Part 98: Update LXXXIV - Melty Blood
Update LXXXIV - Melty Blood
This update covers the events of Update XXXIX to Update XLV
On the plus side, Arc will be the only real scary fight in the game. Fighting a Berserker this early means Nero just doesn't have all her options available. Thankfully her main flaw, her poor MP, is mitigated by already having the Staff of Rebuke.
Music: None
Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

I've always wanted to see one as they didn't exist in my time. Indeed, it seems a good way to pass the time.
Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

...Hmph. I subscribe to the tenets of hedonism, so I understand ecstasy, but...he does not wear it well!
Video: Week 5 Elimination Battle (Saber ver.)


Ooh, my god looks pleased! Let heaven's thunder rain upon you!
Arc will still open with her NP, but knowing that she's setting up a buff gives me a safe window to set up Thrice-Setting Sun. Even if I didn't already know about her opening move, that alone would make it impossible for me to die on turn 1.
Plus, Nero's singular focus on Strength means that she's tearing through Arc's boosted HP count with ease, meaning there's less time for attacks to slip through.
But while Thrice-Setting Sun means I can't die...
Having half damage Guards compared to quarter damage Aphotic Caves like Tamamo means I have to deal with a lot more incoming damage.
I mean, sure, I could raise Nero's defense to deal with that, but I'm commited to the bit at this point.
I do find it funny how some people voted for Tamamo to make my first run harder. If my NG run was with Nero, I could not sling around Skills as freely as this.
Three turns in and she's already down to half.
Eh, I could probably blitz her down from here.
This isn't even the strongest move in Nero's kit.
Arc barely survives the turn.
She doesn't survive the next.
Bye, Gatou!
Music: Duel of Fate
Bye Arcueid, see you in two years on NA!

Saber has taken a liking to our enemy, but just having fought, I don't share her sentiments. After all, her Master was defeated. I've won through the fourth round; I should start heading back soon.
Music: School III
Hi, Julius.

My Servant speaks with disdain.

Such pomp is just as well, for it will also be his funeral.

...Jeez. As always, she has a knack for ignoring my insecurities and rambling on. But, if she's trying to inspire me, that counts as being supportive.
Music: Down to Dawn
Talk with Rani.

Do not worry. It is common enough to share a name with another person. Perhaps that is another's name.
Talk with Nero.
From what I can tell, that quip about sharing a name either refers to Julius Caesar the emperor, or Gaius Julius Vindex, a governor who kicked off the rebellion that led to the historical Nero taking his own life.

...Never mind, it's nothing. Our enemy has just changed position, so be on your guard...
And off to go get ambushed.
Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor
Music: Fear

Praetor, I feel uneasy. If there is indeed an enemy there, we may be in danger. Let us proceed cautiously.

What pride to appear before us without his Servant. Praetor, let us make quick work

That's my line.


I can't think of anything but that terrible sight. My strong, capable Servant is lying helpless on the floor...!

I suppose this is the work of an Assassin. But, how did he eradicate his presence so fully...?

Saber haltingly gets up. It's clear that she is worse for the wear.

I am sorry, Praetor... However...I am are fine...

Saber!? Seeing that I am safe, Saber sighs in relief and collapses again. I have to fix my Servant as soon as possible
Music: School III

The pain from my wound is terrible, but it is not as excruciating as my embarrassment. So, do not mock me too much. The pain I feel from gazing upon your stricken face is mortifying enough.

Saber rasps out the words, as if even forming them is taxing. ...Even though she's just been attacked by the enemy Servant, she's still more worried about me.

...It is unfair to ask this of you, Praetor, but please... You must protect me this time.
Rani offers to help Nero.
Just like Tamamo, there's a single frame where Nero snaps to her injured animation. The scene itself is unchanged from before.
Music: School I
But first, a meeting with Li.
Then we can get the plan from Rani.
And off to the Arena!

My duty is to cross swords with the enemy. Your responsibilities, of course, lie elsewhere.

I was planning on entering the Arena alone, but Saber would have noticed immediately. ...It's obvious that my Servant is in no condition to fight effectively, if at all. However, I have no choice but to have them join me. The fact is that if I entered the Arena alone, I wouldn't last a minute. The fifth round has arrived and Saber said that they would fight, injuries and all. Knowing the consequences of my actions, I ask that you fight alongside me anyway. Of course, you probably expected nothing less from one you've fought alongside with.

I understand, Master! Now, let us go. And do not worry, I will not fall to mere tirones!
Tirones are recruits in the Roman army!
Nero's high strength means that even with halved stats, she can still shred enemies. The carried over enemy data from NG also means that I don't have a lot of empty commands to guess on. (if I wasn't already using a command reveal cheat for dungeon crawling in the first place)
I gain a level while clearing the place out, and then I notice something baffling.
Turns out that despite the whole 'if you don't set up the Bypass Point Nero will actually die,' thing, you can just leave.
The game doesn't care and proceeds like normal.
You even get a unique start to the next day for it!

Good morning, Kishinami. After yesterday's unfortunate events, there is no time left. Saber cannot languish like this. It's haphazard, but I would like to try a different method.

Different? I wonder what she's got in mind.

I will link with you, Kishinami. [sic] and with my excess magic, I will make magic circuits for Saber. The burden will be upon you and I, and your Servant's recovery will not be complete.

I see. Although I don't mind shouldering the burden for my Servant, it seems too much to ask of Rani. Is it dangerous?

No, but neither is it guaranteed to restore much of your Servant's magic. Do you wish to proceed?

If it's not going to put Rani in any danger, I see no reason not to try. When I give a firm nod of assent, Rani nods in agreement.
This then goes to the rest of the normal scene for today.
So yeah, that whole sneaking mission? Totally optional!
But considering this is Extra, there will be zero changes from here on, so let's just stick to the script, shall we?
Music: School III
Next time: Wait, so you can skip that, but not this?